Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Awesome Shit That Tina Says Vol. 1

Sometimes I find myself laughing my butt off at some of the outrageous, witty and relevant remarks that Tina says. The things I've found most relatable about Tina is based on her speech. She says things outlaid that I can only build the courage to say inside my head. So today I am going to dedicate this post to the awesome shit that Tina says. Let's begin. 

1) Hi! I'm Tina! I like horses, music, and boys. 


Awh, Tina. Tina, Tina, Tina. She couldn't get more real than this. She is straight to the point. Right off the back we know who she is and what she's into. And I mean, c'mon, how adorable is this. I like boys too, Tina! This statement couldn't be more accurate, especially since throughout every season this theme is a constant. We know that these are the things Tina likes because almost every situation she finds herself in revolves around these topics. Now that is good television. 

2) Your ass is grass and I'm gonna mow it. 

This moment was a significant one for me. For many episodes we've watched Tina be the grunt of jokes and the first one to take responsibility. It's gotten to the point where we just can't wait for her to take a win! This moment is pivotal because it is an assertion of Tina's power and confidence. Nothing can bring her down right now. She is unstoppable. This is her time. And I am all for it. 

3) Here's a bunch of numbers. They may look random but they're my phone number. 


Now this has got to be the most graceful pick up in all of television herstory. How many times have you skillfully tried to slip your number on a receipt to a cute server, or the hot barista at Starbs? Nobody? Just me? Okay. Well, Tina understands. Let this moment serve as instruction on how to pick up that honey-baby-darling you've been eyeing in the dairy section at Trader Joe's. You're welcome. 

4) I'm a smart, strong, sensual woman!


The first thing that comes to mind is "Yaaaaas queen!" And I will verbalize that phrase for the world to hear because this is exactly how every woman should feel. Never in my life would I have thought that a 13 year old would be my hero, and then comes Tina Belcher, the ultimate #Goals. Never stop believing in yourself Tina! You are a smart, strong, sensual woman! 

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